"My art teacher told me I was rubbish at art" " My art teacher told me I couldn't draw a straight line if my life depended on it" " My art teacher told me there was no point in carrying on with her lessons"
I hear variations of this story in nearly every one of my workshops. People who've been scared off from the joy of being creative because their school art teacher told them they couldn't draw. Now I know there are some wonderful art teachers out there but the demon art teacher must be put to rest
If this negative story is embedded in your subconcious its time exorcise those paralyzing phrases and think about all the wonderful ways you can let your creative seeds blossom.
Heres the thing; You don't have to be able to draw to be an artist ! There are so many more exciting ways of being creative and these are the things I focus on at the studio.
On 14th and 15th of March I'm hosting a mixed media weekend and theres not a single bit of drawing involved.You will be shown gel press printing , image transfer, stenciling, collaging and stamping allowing you to create a host of beautiful artworks over the weekend. Here are some images from past workshops, also see the large commissioned piece at the top of the page. I made this using many of the techniques from the workshop. (Note no drawing involved)

New dates for this workshop are April the 18th & 19th and June27th & 28th if you fancy having a go .Again no drawing skills needed. I'll show you clear methods and techniques here to make your paintings look amazing
Portraits in oils
If you had a wonderful art teacher who encouraged you to paint and draw or if you have been dabbling with oil paint for a while, you may want to check out this workshop in April. It is for those of you with some experience of oil painting. Mike Skidmore is a master oil painting artist and he's coming to the studio to share his knowlege in a 2 day weekday portrait workshop. I'm blown away by his paintings and will be hovering around the studio "tidying up", so I can pick up some tips while he's teaching

Ive had a super year workwise so far. As well as working with a couple of new galleries I will be taking a stand at the prestigious Broadway arts festival in June. This means I'm madly busy making new paintings . It also means I wont be programming any new workshops until July. There are still lots of workshops available to join Ive put a couple of the 2 dayers on mid week as an experiment but when they're full that will be it for a while. So do have a look under events and see whats there. I'm sill available for group bookings and team building parties too and if you can get 10 people together for a private booking you get one space free

lastly Ive had a couple of people tell me they've had trouble booking on to workshops with an Ipad. The site works much better on mobiles and Ipads if you download the wix app and use the invite code below
Hope to see you at the studio soon
Much love